Belle année 2024 à toutes nos mariées !

Dear Beloved Bride
You are our endless source of inspiration, the reason why every morning we wake up with the vibrant hope of designing jewelry and accessories that reflect you, making you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world on your wedding day. It is thanks to you that our passion comes to life in our Atelier and we express our gratitude from the bottom of our hearts.
To you, dear brides-to-be, we wish you wedding preparations filled with sweetness and harmony. Be yourself in the choice of your wedding jewelry and accessories so that your outfit is a unique ensemble that fully captures your essence. We will remain at your side, ready to accompany you in the choice of all your accessories. Delighted to make jewelry in your image, we will personalize each of our creations or create the unique piece you are looking for.
To our beloved Lilac brides, we send you all our best wishes for 2024! May you be filled with joy, love and happiness throughout your first year as a married couple, and for all the years to come. May your union be as magnificent as your wedding was this year. You have graced our world with your beautiful bridal wear, complemented by our designs, and we are so proud to have been a part of your beautiful love story. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Susana and Manuela
Thank you 2023
What a dynamic and eventful year! You could say that our adventure has been a joyful waltz between challenges and new things. To start, our workshop decided to play hide and seek with the surprise move at the beginning of the year. It was a real whirlwind of emotions, with some logistical challenges, but it rekindled our love for assembling and disassembling IKEA furniture.
And what about our brand new website? It was built with a lot of passion by our dedicated team and went live in March. It’s like we’ve applied a touch of magic to our store, and as a bonus, you can now pay for your purchases with Apple Pay. Pretty cool, right?
Not excluding the 2023 collection, designed and inspired by Art Deco, was captured during a tumultuous period, a daring challenge where we braved headwinds and strikes in the capital. However, we have made one of our designers' deepest dreams come true: an inspiration gallery shot in Paris.
Of course, we can’t miss the departure of Clara, our talented artistic director, who chose to pursue her dreams. We express our sincere gratitude to her for all the sparks she brought to our team and our website. However, don’t worry, our positive energy has not faded, because we warmly welcomed Marie! She joined the Lilac team with the dynamic role of Business Developer.
This year has been an adventure, full of challenges, but our determination to accompany our brides in magical moments has never wavered. For us, this goes beyond a simple mission; it is a true passion, and we are absolutely delighted to share it with each and every one of you, our cherished customers. Your unwavering trust and continued support are the driving force that propels us towards new creations and the conquest of new heights.
It is because of you that we continue to grow and evolve, and we look forward to continuing this wonderful journey with you. We look forward to continuing to create unforgettable moments together, because that is when the magic really happens. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your loyalty and your continued enthusiasm. You are the reason why we are passionately invested in what we do.
To a past year full of challenges and successes, and to the one to come, rich in new experiences and magical moments! 🌸🧚🏻♂️

Hello 2024
At the sparkling start of 2024, our workshop is preparing to unveil captivating surprises as sparkling as our enthusiasm.
This new collection not only announces the arrival of new accessories, bags, garters, and even clothes... shh! We can't reveal more at the moment, but rest assured that our team is working hard to offer you exceptional creations, in your image and satisfying in every way.
Your opinion matters more than ever in this creative adventure. Share with us your needs, your deepest desires. It is through this connection that we wish to transcend your expectations and create unique pieces that will resonate with your individuality.
Are you ready to join us on this creative journey? We are excited to make this year a constant celebration of love, even if it means tearful moments, warm hugs with brothers, and kissy goodbyes. Every stage of life is unique, and we raise our glasses to all the brides and grooms of 2024! 🍾⭐️
Figures that inspire us 🤯Your comments, our inspiration 💕
Chères mariées
Du fond du cœur, nous vous remercions pour vos précieux avis et commentaires. Qu'ils soient positifs ou constructifs, chaque retour nous aide à nous améliorer et à vous offrir des bijoux et accessoires de mariée toujours plus élégants et raffinés.
Votre satisfaction est notre plus belle récompense, et nous mettons tout notre savoir-faire au service de la création de bijoux artisanaux uniques, conçus avec passion et délicatesse.
Merci pour vos magnifiques photos qui illuminent notre cœur et nous inspirent chaque jour. Chaque image est un souvenir gravé dans notre mémoire et nous motive à !sublimer les futures mariées avec des créations encore plus exceptionnelles.

Lucie, Août 2023
" Je voulais des perles mais pas quelque chose de trop classique et « mémère ». J’ai trouvé les bijoux tellement modernes et dans l’air du temps ! Je continue d’ailleurs à les porter ! "
Lucie, Août 2023

Isabelle, Janvier 2023
" Magnifique création, envoi rapide et soigné, service client au top! La future jeune mariée est enchantée et a hâte de la porter ! Un grand MERCI "

Caroline, Février 2023
" Merci. Du fond du cœur pour le plus beau jour de ma vie "

Cristina, Septembre 2023
"Tout cela est très sympa. Ils m'ont donnée le kit de survie pour le mariage, avec les choses nécessaires que chaque mariée devrait apporter ce jour-là ; aussi le clip de la mariée et un magnifique bracelet que je porterai à mon mariage. J'ai tout aimé. "

Fanny, Juin 2023
" J'ai beaucoup apprécié mon bijou que je n'ai pas du tout senti et qui n'a pas bougé, alors que le dj m'a laissé son casque et les platines à un moment de la soirée."

Theresa, Juin 2023
" Très beaux bijoux, je suis totalement satisfaite. Filigrane, mais toujours quelque chose de différent et accrocheur. Je suis très heureuse de le porter."

Marion, Juin 2023
" Je ne porte que très peu de collier, j’ai failli ne pas en porter pour mon mariage, ayant un dos nu je me suis dis que cela pourrait l'habiller… mais avant de trouver un collier de dos qui me plaît c’était une autre histoire ! Et je suis tombée sur le vôtre et et j’ai adoré ! Quand je l’ai reçu j’ai tout de suite su que c’était le bon ! Le jour du mariage j’ai reçu énormément de compliments dessus, les invités étaient conquis ! Cela allait parfaitement avec le reste de la tenue et les gens ont dit la même chose: joli, sobre, élégant, parfait ! Aujourd’hui je peux rajouter costaud car j’ai dansé jusqu’au bout de la nuit avec ! :)"

Mathilde, Septembre 2023
"J'ai fait faire des boucles d'oreilles sur-mesure pour mon mariage, elles sont magnifiques, j'ai hâte de les porter !"