About us

our history
We are two creative sisters who put our passion at the service of future brides. Since a very young age, creating handmade accessories has been our vocation. What started with making barrettes for our hair has sparked the interest of many women looking for the perfect hair accessory for their wedding. This is how we discovered the world of marriage, its sensitivity, its delicacy, its romanticism, its magic… It was love at first sight.

our history
Our greatest inspiration is Love, with a capital A. This powerful force that binds two souls, and the happiness that this feeling provides. Nothing makes us happier than participating in the moment when this beautiful feeling is experienced with the most intensity, marriage.
We also obviously draw our inspiration from Women. It is by working alongside our friends, our mothers but above all by seeing the result on you, our clients, your beauty, elegance, allure on your wedding day that we continue to create our bridal accessories and jewelry.
Photographer: Pascal Vo

our mission
We are determined to make our brides feel sublime. Our mission is to offer a range of accessories that perfectly compliments their day outfit. We want our customers to find the accessory of their dreams among our creations, and if this is not the case, we design and manufacture it especially for them.

Nos gestes pour protéger la planète
Tous nos accessoires sont fabriqués à la main, localement. Cette approche nous permet de soutenir l’artisanat traditionnel tout en garantissant un contrôle qualité rigoureux à nos bijoux pour mariée.
Nous fonctionnons sur un modèle de production à la commande pour minimiser les déchets. Cela signifie que nous ne produisons les pièces que lorsqu’elles sont commandées (par exemple : les barrettes à cheveux, boucles d'oreilles...) évitant ainsi la surproduction et réduisant les excédents de matériaux et d’inventaire.
Nous utilisons exclusivement des perles d’eau douce, évitant les alternatives synthétiques dans toutes nos créations artisanales. Il en va de même pour nos pierres : nous privilégions les pierres naturelles comme le quartz, l’aigue-marine, la nacre et d’autres composants naturels issus de sources durables.
Nos emballages sont éco-conçus et fabriqués à partir de matériaux durables et recyclables. Ils offrent une protection optimale pour garder les bijoux et accessoires de cheveux de mariée tout en respectant notre engagement à réduire notre impact environnemental.

the drawing
The first step is the design of the jewel. This is the most creative step in the creative process. We draw our inspiration from colours, landscapes, flowers, trends… And we put all our ideas down on paper.

Design back and forth
Then we create the jewel. We try, we start over, we modify, we test. This is a step that takes time because we are always looking for the perfect jewel that will make you dream...

Validation and selection of jewelry
When the prototypes are made, it's time to make our choice! We present all our creations to our team and we all choose the best ones together!

The production
Let's go for the production! Because each of our jewelry is handmade, it's time to roll up our sleeves! Our little hands create each of your jewels in our small Toulouse workshop.

The rest of the story you write
The rest of the story is up to you. Our jewels are sent to you all over the world. Because you are the ones who bring our jewelry to life. thanks <3
the lilac team

Founder and designer of jewelry

Founder and designer of jewelry

Business Developer

Digital project manager

Our stores around the world
- France
- Germany
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Japan
- New Caledonia
- The Netherlands